Brunei Darussalam National Accreditation Council Secretariat was established for the implementation of the Council’s functions and shall carry out the policies and guidelines set out by the Council and shall be responsible for all administrative matters relating to the Council and its activities.


To accredit programmes, qualifications and higher education providers;

To implement and update the BDQF Framework;

To conduct institutional audit and review of programmes, qualifications and higher education providers;

To produce an updated compendium consisting of a list of institutions and qualifications accredited to the Council;

To conduct courses, training programmes and briefings and to provide consultancy and advisory services relating to quality assurance;

To establish and maintain liaison and cooperation with quality assurance and accreditation bodies in higher education within and outside Brunei;

To act as a qualifications reference centre on accredited programmes, qualifications and higher education providers;

To advise and make recommendations to the Minister on any matter relating to quality assurance in higher education;

To do all things reasonably necessary for the performance of its functions.

BDNAC e-Brochure

Brunei Darussalam National Accreditation Council e- Brochure provides detailed information about BDNAC itself. The e-Brochure explains Brunei Darussalam National Accreditation Council’s vast information from vision and mission to client charter. For further details, please click the following to read more.  

Our Organizational Structure